Wow time really has flown by these past 6 weeks. I didn't always feel this way... in the 1st 6 weeks, I had some of the longest days of my life and time went by so slowly. But after we hi the 6 week mark, time has really picked up. Charlie has become so much fun. He has found his hands and is completely fascinated by them. He was fighting falling asleep for about a week and i swear it was because he was too interested in his hands to sleep! I hope he learned that they don't go away during his naps!
He has also begun playing with all of his toys. I have no clue why manufacturers promote some toys for 0+ months, when they don't really notice any of them until they are 3 months... well obviously to sell toys to 1st time parents who don't know any better. But now he has really taken to some of his toys, like his piano... he loves to kick and this piano is activated when the baby hits the keys. So he is getting very good at that! He is also grabbing at toys when they hang in front of him.
He has become so vocal. He talks all the time in the car seat to his little guys that hang in front of him (rather than sleep...). He is great with tummy time and has started rolling front back to front a bit more often. Next goal --- getting him to sit without collapsing!
We have been visiting with lots of friends and family recently and Charlie has become pretty good at adapting to new places. Of course he is best when we have our home routine, but I will go nuts if we never go out. So we try to mix it up! A few weeks ago, my wonderful "NK" friends threw a "welcome Charlie" party, so he was able to meet some of his aunts -- like Alexis, Niecy, Kristen and Kelly.
Unfortunately many of the girls were busy getting a new puppy and preparing to have twins! So we made a second round of visits this past weekend. We got to meet Amanda and her new puppy Lyric. He is a Viszla... what a cutie!! And his big brother Bruno was so interested in Charlie. Bruno is a jumper, so I was worried we'd have to keep them separated. But he was on his best behavior... he just sat and started at Charlie. Amanda, i think Bruno is ready for a human baby! lol Then we went to see Kristen and her animals... so needless to say, Bailey was pretty tired from all of the dogs!!
On Sunday we visited with Alyssa and met the new girls, Amelia and Eliza. They were both ~ 5 pounds, so they were TINY! The preemie clothes were too big for them! But it was so amazing to see newborns again and realize how quickly they grow. I almost forget how tiny Charlie was. only a few months ago. Alyssa and Jeramey also have 2 poodles and they were so funny with the babies. Sadie in particular was very protective of her mom and which ever sister was in mom's hands. Whenever Bailey got near Lys, Sadie was right there to make sure everything was ok.Bailey on the other hand had no problem with 2 poodles sticking their noses in Charlie's face. She was more interested in getting up on a couch to take a nap.
We start playgroup on Thursday. Unfortunately we signed up for one that didn't have enough people so it was canceled. So we scrambled to find one with an opening. It's at the Boston location, so it's a bit more difficult for me to get to, although not sure if we'd be walking to the Brookline location like we did in the fall, as it is getting so cold! We couldn't get into any of the ones that started this week, so we joined one in progress. Weird that some were full with waitlists, but mine only had 2 people. I am a bit bummed that we missed the first week, but at least it will end before I go back to work in January. Hopefully we can learn some tips on how to get Charlie to sleep better for us.