So much has happened this week!
First we told our parents this past week. For our moms, we bought onsies that had their "grandmother" name on them -- Babci for my mom and Meme for Steve's. However, I found out later that Steve's mom is actually "Memere", so whoops! Even though I took French in school, I never put 2 and 2 together. Can I just blame the pregnancy brain (again)?? Steve did see the order before it was placed, so I assumed he would have noticed.
We also told my dad, my sister and Steve's sister. Of course my parents' significant others also know. So besides the limited family, Aedin and a few CT friends, we aren't telling anyone until the Doctor appt on the 11th... if I can keep my mouth shut!! Depending on with whom we spend NYE, we may have to share the info as well.
We also had the 1st PG appt this week. We met with the nurse and she took some medical history and a LOT of blood (over 10 tubes), but no official confirmation. So I guess as long as I don't get my period, I am still PG. But my due date is estimated for August 14th and I am officially 7 weeks. My week begins on a Thursday. This is what the baby looks like in my tummy right now:
Week 7:
We also scheduled a tour of the Brigham's maternity ward for tomorrow. I am not really thrilled about delivering with my Dr. I chose to stay with her because she is my GYN anyway, and has been with me for all "womanly" health issues (including the cervical dysplasia). But I really wasn't thrilled about the whole practice and that my Dr may not deliver my baby. Plus I think the BWH maternity ward is very hospital like. I really don't want to give birth in a hospital labor and delivery room. While I'd love to go to a birthing center, I would also be open to a hospital with a maternity suite, and a doula or midwife (neither is available through the practice). BWH does have midwives in another OB group, so we will do the tour tomorrow, and talk with my Dr. at the appt. If I am not thrilled, I will call BIDMC. The other option is to have the traditional hospital birth, with this first pregnancy, and with any other babies, if all goes well, I can go to a birthing center.
Other than that, I am still feeling good. I did have some mild cramping this week, which reassures me that I am pregnant, and I will take that over m/s any day! I have been tired, but with the holiday craze behind me, definitely less tired than I was before. So overall, things are going well!
Friday, December 28, 2007
Monday, December 17, 2007
6 weeks along...
We estimate that we are about 6 weeks along. It's so weird because I really don't feel very different. I know every pregnancy is different and I should feel lucky that i haven't suffered many of the dreaded pregnancy symptoms, like nausea or morning sickness. But I also know that these things are caused by hormones and they are a good sign that things are going well.
I keep laughing that Steve doesn't really believe me 100%, but as we get closer to telling our parents, now I am worried that I am not pregnant either! But 2 BFPs (big fat positives) and a missed period have to mean something is going on!
Our 1st appointment is next Wednesday, so I think we will both feel better after we meet with the nurse. Part of me wants to wait until after the appointment before telling our parents, but I really want to do it in person. They will come over early on Saturday to help us set up for the family brunch we will host this year. So we will tell them before everyone gets here. I am so excited to finally tell them. I hate talking to my mom on the phone and not tell her everything that is going on with me. She asks what is new and i have to just say nothing... when actually SO MUCH is going on!!
I went to my first yoga class today as a pregnant woman. My instructor has guided many women through their pregnancies, which makes me feel confident that she knows what to do and how to modify the poses. I realize that even though I am pregnant, I can not baby myself and that exercise is very beneficial. There are not too many activities i need to avoid in the first 2 trimesters, but some of the asanas she had my practicing tonight seemed a bit extreme to me! But several people have told me I am safe with yoga so I will continue to practice.
I keep laughing that Steve doesn't really believe me 100%, but as we get closer to telling our parents, now I am worried that I am not pregnant either! But 2 BFPs (big fat positives) and a missed period have to mean something is going on!
Our 1st appointment is next Wednesday, so I think we will both feel better after we meet with the nurse. Part of me wants to wait until after the appointment before telling our parents, but I really want to do it in person. They will come over early on Saturday to help us set up for the family brunch we will host this year. So we will tell them before everyone gets here. I am so excited to finally tell them. I hate talking to my mom on the phone and not tell her everything that is going on with me. She asks what is new and i have to just say nothing... when actually SO MUCH is going on!!
I went to my first yoga class today as a pregnant woman. My instructor has guided many women through their pregnancies, which makes me feel confident that she knows what to do and how to modify the poses. I realize that even though I am pregnant, I can not baby myself and that exercise is very beneficial. There are not too many activities i need to avoid in the first 2 trimesters, but some of the asanas she had my practicing tonight seemed a bit extreme to me! But several people have told me I am safe with yoga so I will continue to practice.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
At least someone is enjoying this snow!
So up in Boston we have been hit by 2 big storms this week and have about 18 inches of snow on the ground. While it may inconvenience some, it's the greatest thing in the world to Bailey! Here are some pictures of her bouncing around in the park.

I wish I had our video camera with us -- these pics just don't capture her hopping through the snow like a bunny. We have asked for a video camera for Xmas. People keep asking why we need one -- this is why!
I love how she gets so excited when she thinks she is going outside. Since the 1st storm on Thursday, whenever she sees us putting on our jackets, she stands at the door in anticipation. She can't get enough! But when not outside, she'll sit in front of the window to see what's going on.
Having a dog, there are days you just don't want to go outside because of the cold or snow or rain. But seeing her prance around in the snow, and seeing how happy she is makes it all so worth it!
We also went to visit Santa Claws at Petsmart. Unfortunately she wasn't in the mood to pose for us.
I wish I had our video camera with us -- these pics just don't capture her hopping through the snow like a bunny. We have asked for a video camera for Xmas. People keep asking why we need one -- this is why!
I love how she gets so excited when she thinks she is going outside. Since the 1st storm on Thursday, whenever she sees us putting on our jackets, she stands at the door in anticipation. She can't get enough! But when not outside, she'll sit in front of the window to see what's going on.
We also went to visit Santa Claws at Petsmart. Unfortunately she wasn't in the mood to pose for us.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Finally a reason to start blogging...
I believe I am officially the last person in the world to finally start a blog! I decided a long time ago that I wouldn't start a blog until I had something exciting to talk about.
So, we think we are pregnant! Well, we are pregnant based on 2 home tests, but like most people, I think we are having a hard time really believing it until confirmed by the doctor.
We are not too far along... i am only late by about 2 weeks. So we have an appointment with the nurse the day after Xmas, and the doctor on the 11th. After that we will feel ready to share, with at least our close family and friends.
So we will use this blog to update all of our friends about the exciting news over the next 9 months and beyond. Plus it'll give us an excuse to post shameless amounts of pictures of our 1st child, our dog Bailey :)
So, we think we are pregnant! Well, we are pregnant based on 2 home tests, but like most people, I think we are having a hard time really believing it until confirmed by the doctor.
We are not too far along... i am only late by about 2 weeks. So we have an appointment with the nurse the day after Xmas, and the doctor on the 11th. After that we will feel ready to share, with at least our close family and friends.
So we will use this blog to update all of our friends about the exciting news over the next 9 months and beyond. Plus it'll give us an excuse to post shameless amounts of pictures of our 1st child, our dog Bailey :)
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