I just looked over at the Pregnancy countdown and realized that I have 54 days until my EDD. Wow, that isn't too far away!!
This morning on my walk to work, and as I am nearing the end of this part of the journey into motherhood, I began to reflect on the pregnancy. So many people have asked me if I like being pregnant or not, and of course often tell me their own personal experiences with their pregnancies :) I have known people from both extremes... some who loved being pregnant, to the point they couldn't wait to do it all over again and some people who just absolutely hated the experience (for many reasons). For me, I guess I don't quite feel strongly either way. This pregnancy has been very easy on me, much more than I anticipated with my back issues. But also, I had minimal "symptoms". I didn't have morning sickness, no bleeding or spotting, haven't gained a lot of weight. The few things I have had to deal with -- swollen feet, mild back aches, an early season heatwave -- are nothing in the grand scheme of things. I also realize that i have a few more weeks to go and the baby is rapidly growing. I am sure things will become even more taxing on my body, but up until this point, things have gone better than expected. I was even able to pack all of the crap (and was there a LOT of it) in the apartment and move into a new place, and barely felt the effects of the pregnancy. Of course, my body hurt and it was difficult to reach too far, but that was the case prior to the pregnancy with all of my back issues. So it really didn't seem too different for me.
While this experience has been great, I wouldn't say I absolutely
loved being pregnant. It's been an amazing experience, and i have enjoyed it. I liked that I was responsible for growing another person in me, and it's been cool to have this time to bond with my child. It's been enjoyable, it's been fun, i have liked the experience and am grateful I have had the ability to carry our child. And after this pregnancy, I definitely look forward to doing this again, if we are lucky to have another child. However, I wouldn't go as far as to say I have loved it. I think that while this has been a great experience, after 40 weeks, and as the summer continues and the baby hits 6, 7, 8, 9?? pounds, I will be ready to move to the next stage of life.
Tonight, Majken and I are going to the game! Steve was nice enough to give Majken his ticket so we can go together :) It'll probably be the next to last game I get to this year (the last one being a the July Yankee game) so I am glad I get to go with her. We always have a lot of fun together.
Then starting tomorrow, we have to really finish packing everything up so we are ready for the movers when they arrive on Saturday. I am taking Friday off to wait for the cable installation and will start unpacking the boxes. It will be great to get the kitchen in order. Then I need to call and set up the baby furniture delivery so we can get the nursery ready. I haven't been bitten by the nesting bug yet, but I also thing it was because I knew we were moving and I would have the opportunity to start fresh in the new apartment. I think that is my favorite thing about renting and moving so often... you get to start with a clean slate and begin again!
Oh yeah -- and now that the shower invitations have gone out, i can start registry stalking... i know I shouldn't and it definitely took away some of the surprise for the wedding shower, but i certainly can't NOT stalk... anyway, someone bought the #1 item on my list :) The Red Sox Mobile... i am super excited! Someone also bought the infant car seat, and technically that was the most NEEDED item on our list... but yay!! I am so excited!!