Saturday, April 26, 2008

Can I bring the playstation into the labor and delivery room?

I finally got a chance to play the "Rock band" video game on Playstation 3 tonight. OMG that is the BEST game ever!! Well, I am absolutely awful on the drums, I was able to get through a few songs on the guitar/bass. So I think I have decided that Steve and I need to bring the PS2 to the hospital and I can play Guitar Hero to pass the time in labor. What a better way to take my mind off of the delivery!! How funny would it be if I added "Guitar Hero" to my birth plan for the Dr??

We had our 1st birthing class today. We (ok I) have chosen the hypnobirth method for our natural child birth technique. Most people don't know what it is, but basically it was created by a women in NH who was a hypnotherapist, and it uses the theory of hypnosis to aid in the birthing process. The underlying theory is that labor hurts because of fear, which causes tension and this causes the pain. It uses self-hypnosis to put the woman in a deep relaxation, which allows the muscles to relax and allows the body and muscles to work the way nature intended.

We watched a few births today and it was absolutely amazing to see these women birth a child with no screaming or yelling, and in a calm and relaxed (albeit laboring) state. It was amazing, and nothing like the "Baby Story" show that I have seen, which scare the crap out of me!

The whole process seems so interesting. It will teach us techniques to get me into a relaxed state of mind. I have heard that these techniques are applicable to so many other situations in life, as it is a type of hypnotherapy, so I also hope it helps me to mediate and relax myself in general. I am too stressed in life as it is and hope i can learn how to become more laid back.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Just saw the baby move!

Yup, I just saw my belly move! I felt the baby move a bit and when i looked down at my belly, I actually saw the belly pop out. Such a cool thing to see. I hope the baby does it again when Steve gets home!!

Time for swimming!

Took Bailey for a walk after work today. It was so nice out, we took the long route and decided to stop at the pond for a bit of swimming. I wished i had my camera, bc she is just the happiest dog ever when she is in the water!

I have also finally started our registries this week. We have been registered at Babies R Us (although still figuring out what we are getting from friends who no longer need their baby items). We are also registered at We are listed under both of our names so it shouldn't be too hard to find!

And I think I found someone to make us a crib skirt! Thanks to Bridgett, she hooked me up with someone who can make one for me. I am super excited bc I really wanted Caden Lane bedding, but there was no way we were getting it. So I think we will order fabric from the company and make a crib skirt our of that material and then just order the sheets to match. So I think overall it is a great compromise :)

It's time for ice cream!

OK, well as I have said many times before, it is never too cold and you can never be too full for ice cream. But the weather's getting warmer, which means it's time for our regular trip to JP Licks! We love going there for the ice cream, and bc they have outdoor seating, but also bc they make "cow paws" (doggy ice cream) so Bailey can get a treat as well!

So Jess and Todd met us over at JP Licks last night for an after dinner treat. Unfortunately they had no Cow paws (or anything that jess and i tried to order...). They gave me some dog cookies in a bowl for Bailey though. But when i gave her the cup, she stuck her nose in it and then looked up at me without eating a cookie. I guess she was expecting an ice cream treat. We hadn't been in so long, we figured she wouldn't remember, but i guess she did. Poor puppy. Now we have to go buy her some at the store.

Jess has talked to her landlord about us moving into their apartment in June, so hopefully we'll know soon what we are going to do. I think not knowing what is going on is really the worst part of moving. Making the decision to end a lease without having a new apartment to move into... hopefully we can figure this all out soon!!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Next time we'll double check the date...

Steve and I thought we had tix for today's Sox game... planned our whole weekend around it and everything. Decided we wanted to eat at Beer Works before the game (rather than eat at Fenway) so we got ready early, put on our Sox gear and went to grab the tix. Only we don't have tix for today... our game is this Thursday!! Steve must have looked at the time (it's a day game) and assumed it was on Sunday and not during the week. Oh well. Had a yummy lunch at Beer Works anyway. Got a few laughs and comments on my "future Sox fan" tshirt also.

So with my free day, I decided to go summer shopping. Of course my other option was cleaning so it was a no brainer. I actually went to get sandals, but didn't find anything I liked. But got some great spring/summer clothes at the Gap. AND they took my BR coupons! So I think I will be set for a while. And all the stuff I got will transition well through the post-baby summer months. Now if I could just find shoes...

I ran into Steve's co-worker Jen and her husband and BIG Newfie at the pet store. What an adorable dog! She is over 100 pounds, but thinks she is a lap dog!

Yesterday we went to Taylor's 1st b-day party... she is just the best baby. She is very dangerous bc she makes everyone want to have one! She is super adorable though. She says dog, hi, bye, dada, and a few other words. She also clicks her tongue to "call" the pony (her mom and grandmother have horses so she is learning quickly). Bailey had a blast also... besides getting to be outside all day (a luxury for a city dog), she got to play with about 7 other dogs. Everyone there brought a dog! It was like being at a dog park.

And we got invited to the Jamey's family's camp for the 4th again this year. Can't wait to go - -last year was so much fun. Hopefully the trip up will be much less eventful. Last year we got lost and our car overheated. But once we were there, it was a great time. Jamey's whole family is just so welcoming. They really made us feel right at home.

That's about it for the weekend, where we weren't quite as busy as we thought we would be!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Week 22... time is flying!

Wow it's been a long time since my last update! Lots to catch up on!

Let's see...

-- the baby's really beginning to move now. This week i have really started to feel much more deliberate movements. It sort of feels like the baby is walking inside of me. I can even feel it on the outside, although Steve hasn't been able to feel it for himself yet.

-- The baby went to its first Sox game last week. We even got a picture to commemorate the day :) Click here to see:

-- We have now ordered the crib and dresser for the nursery! So excited to have some of the bigger things purchased. I am on the hunt for bedding... we have decided to forgo the bedding set, but i definitely want to get a nice crib skirt. Of course all of the ones i like are over $200 (for fabric)... and all i want is something simple. This is when I wished I knew how to sew.

-- We may be moving again. I know that no one is surprised to hear this, but the thought of having the baby on the 3rd floor, plus having to budget for oil heat for the winter, we just think we need to move to a different place. Our friends around the corner are moving in June, and there place is really cute. So we have to talk to the landlord (who is a friend of my friend Ann) to see if we can work out a deal. He wants someone who can garden, and Ann is willing to teach me how.

-- Busy weekend coming up (as they all are these days). Going to NH for Taylor's 1st birthday. Should be fun to see Nicole and Jamey and everyone up there. Then Sunday we have another Sox game!

-- Starting birthing classes next weekend. We have to complete 12 hours of class (over 5 weeks). We have decided to try hypnobirthing, which is basically teaching us relaxation techniques to use during labor. I can't explain it very well now, but i have heard good things about the technique, so fingers crossed it's what I am looking for!

That's all for now. Going to watch the rest of the Sox game (Big Papi just hit a grand slam!!)