Monday, December 17, 2007

6 weeks along...

We estimate that we are about 6 weeks along. It's so weird because I really don't feel very different. I know every pregnancy is different and I should feel lucky that i haven't suffered many of the dreaded pregnancy symptoms, like nausea or morning sickness. But I also know that these things are caused by hormones and they are a good sign that things are going well.

I keep laughing that Steve doesn't really believe me 100%, but as we get closer to telling our parents, now I am worried that I am not pregnant either! But 2 BFPs (big fat positives) and a missed period have to mean something is going on!

Our 1st appointment is next Wednesday, so I think we will both feel better after we meet with the nurse. Part of me wants to wait until after the appointment before telling our parents, but I really want to do it in person. They will come over early on Saturday to help us set up for the family brunch we will host this year. So we will tell them before everyone gets here. I am so excited to finally tell them. I hate talking to my mom on the phone and not tell her everything that is going on with me. She asks what is new and i have to just say nothing... when actually SO MUCH is going on!!

I went to my first yoga class today as a pregnant woman. My instructor has guided many women through their pregnancies, which makes me feel confident that she knows what to do and how to modify the poses. I realize that even though I am pregnant, I can not baby myself and that exercise is very beneficial. There are not too many activities i need to avoid in the first 2 trimesters, but some of the asanas she had my practicing tonight seemed a bit extreme to me! But several people have told me I am safe with yoga so I will continue to practice.

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