Monday, June 9, 2008

Summer has arrived...

well, at least it feels like it has! We are in the middle of an intense heatwave, and it's not even officially the summer yet. A few more days and then we will drop to a "cooler" 80 degrees! But after the cool spring we had, i am excited for the warm weather to arrive.

We had a few graduation parties to attend yesterday... congrats to Hillary and Janelle! I am one of the oldest of the cousins, so it is will be a lot of fun to watch all of the younger ones grow up and hit the milestones in life... graduations, weddings, babies, etc. Steve and i were discussing how in the next 5 years, we are going to be attending so many graduations!! But it is so exciting... i am very proud of hem all! I just can't believe that it's been that many years (13) since i went through this! I feel old.

So everyone yesterday had the same question for me... how am i handling this heat? And I am NOT a summer person... if given the choice between extreme hot and extreme cold temps, i would certainly choose the cold. But so far, i am handling it OK -- considering it's really only been 2 full days of the heat. and this weekend I was by the pool and in houses with AC, so it can't be that bad! I am sure at work i will be in sweaters, as the ac is always on too high. i really don't feel any different than prior years when it has been really hot. I just have to remember that it's even more important to stay hydrated when i am outside. But ask me again in August after it's been 2 full months of this :)

One of my wonderful friends recently announced her pregnancy... i am super super excited for them!! and that they have shared with everyone so i don't need to keep a secret ;) This will be baby #2... they have lil Joey at home who will be ~16-18 months when this one arrives... we don't know how far along she is quite yet. I would have never thought of having having 2 so close, but the other girls who recently had babies less than a year ago also have baby fever. So maybe i'll feel the same after this one is born! But I am so so happy for them, as I know that they wanted to have have #2 right away. It is so great that it happened for them!

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